Tuesday, May 11

11may, First Paper

the first time im praying so so so so hard
i know, because it's yet to push hardest
that's why i was keep collecting 'good luck' from my friends
hope it really works

3 hours exhausting in exam hall
press hardest to my calculator
hope that could get full marks in my Calculation
also trying to aggregate marking to 34, passing rate
it is not so easy, uh...(*blessing* again)...
well, i really tried
even i wasn't memorize the Theory question

7pm got back home
am feeling so so so tired
cooking 十全大补汤 now
recharging myself for the next fighting
tho it is somehow being sick to study
but then jojo is very annoying now
because of the smell of soup pervaded the house
arghhh! im going to kill her and add in to my soup!!

1 comment:

  1. you're so cruel! why you want to put jojo into your soup.haha
