Sunday, January 25

BLACK mood

This is de super tough moment i ever feel!!!!!!! i took the most ugly photo in my life last friday, and i just saw it. first time i feel wanna cry for such ugly.....i noe im not tat pretty actually, and i can accept sometime we will take some ugly photo. but is not that ugly could be.....the first time i feel disgusting for myself. i cant accept how the ugly i look like inside. i feel so hurt. it is ridiculous ugly.....and now...i cant face other.....myself...

i swear that i wont take any photo in club anymore....i wont lazy to check photo after i take it...i wont simply cut hair when i wanna attend some gathering....i wont..i wont...i wont.....

just make those photo disappear in this world!!!!! i cant accept myself >< feel wanna cry...

Monday, January 19


谢谢, 其实我早就该知道了, 或许得到的已经是最好的了.....

Sunday, January 4


不喜欢那种感觉...如果是秘密那就不要让我知道它的存在, 我会觉得不被尊重...我明白每一个人都有自己不想说的事情, 但请不要让我发觉, 我会觉得朋友不够真诚....

当大家都知道了却不愿意告诉你的时候, 我会觉得关心变质了, 因为人家感觉不到你真诚的关心, 像是为了满足你自己的关心...那就算了, 就别让我知道好了, 反正我无法不去在意....

很讨厌那种有意的隐瞒, 或是那种不须要你理的感觉...朋友算是什么? 关心被视成了好奇心, 满足自己?...厌恶的举止....那就从一开始别让我知道好了...

Saturday, January 3

Seven Pounds

那七磅的爱, 我无法形容

29 February 2009
7 days god create the world, 7 second i shot in mind