Tuesday, July 7

je t'aime.

lalalala~~ This is a happy day^^

I have been waiting for a long time.......

Maybe I'm missing all the way we are together...

and then, now, everyone grown up.

.0162325215 Mr.Dorae 'gf wanted'.
.major in Machanical Engineering, MMU.

Kindly visit http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=648315925&v=feed&story_fbid=126356515925#/profile.php?id=648315925&v=info&viewas=1060153109

We gather again.

Seeing each other, I'm feeling warmest.

We are just like going back to the time of...
small worm, small J, small doaraemon, small yee,
small waiko, small yunn & ....small lin lin.

and those childish make us full of memory...

je t'aime ^^ love u,u,u,u,u & u~

.Jogoya & Neway.
4 July 2009, Saturday