Tuesday, August 31

failure doesn't counts

Thanks cyee bring me along for this trip

I was feeling awful in past few days, maybe past few months
though i always heeheehaha along with friends
eating delicious exxy food 
talking loud about my new hobbies, backpacking/nikon
nightmare about zombies....
All the negativities were just 'pop!' dropped on the muddy road along my sweat 

I do feeling better
when psychically exhausted offset the tiring of mind
everything has a new started 

As my professor said
never say give up 
it doesn't matter how long you need to go
one day you would achieve it
and when faith and opportunity come
that is your destiny 

I appreciate all of the advises and encourages
In the process of studying UOL 
the most harder time is when you losing, confusing yourself 
I believe if there is your lowest point, you would never be lowest
that's the mean that your are going to another high peak

UOL is just fair
you got what you have put
1 is always 1
putting 1unit of input is always 1unit of output could be produce 
it never goes wrong
I deserved for how much i had put

That's alright
Failure of today doesn't means anything
you never know what is coming next


  1. yup..keep on moving with such a high motivation! Then the success is waiting for u the end of the road^^ add oil!
