Sunday, April 20
why you live?
then i found that...
sometime getting busy is not a bad thing,
when you are concentrate in one task,
you wouldn't get too much time to depress...
ya, im a person who always think so much,
everyone knows, even my daddy,
he always tell me "don't think so much", hahaha...
that's why i would quite frequently feel frustrate or depress...
when i have the time...
but it won't harass me so much^^
at most half day, i think. hahaha
this call "easy come easy go".
that is not the main point,
That i realized.....
life should giving...for oneself wholeheartedly,
rather than simply keep life alive,
you know what i mean? 不是为了生活而生活...
so, I hope that the every next day i would get full...
live is a good thing...I wish you too^^
至于新家那边……还没打扫,连椅子都还没买,整间家只有两个位的沙发,姐姐竟然还说等完全搬完后(wed)要煮一餐来吃,那么我们坐哪里呢??还有,我把我的书都搬了过去,最糟糕的是我发觉我还没买书橱,怎么办???整间房就只有一张四个脚的书桌可以放东西,那么我心爱的书要放哪里???……因为我觉得一间房可以什么家具都没有,我可以睡地上,我可以没有梳妆台,唯独是不能没有书橱,不然我会非常不习惯,因为东西都不懂要放那里才可以 = ='' 希望明天哥哥带我去买书橱,不然就会看到我的房间有很多一箱一箱的boxes。可是……我觉得明天应该买不成,因为我们的房间都还没油漆 = ='' ……真糟糕,什么都还没做,什么都还没买齐……
Saturday, April 19
话说昨天开开心心的吃了KFC,就很有mood的、很有罪恶感的跑去买翻版书!!!是翻版书!!!一直尊重作者的我,竟然很有mood的去买翻版书,这绝对不是我的风格……杜绝盗版!!!可能是人类的天赋在作怪吧,“贪小便宜”。随手就看中了两本书,因为买3送1,所以就狂逼姐姐选两本的,最后两个在那边隐隐罪恶,然后被姐姐说服了“喜欢就要买正版的原则”,哈哈,结果只买了一本……还要买贵了的那种!RM25!!骗钱啊~~ 买一本RM25的翻版书……请报警抓他们!!!
之后我们兴高采烈的去新家,油漆(这个时候才八点= =",是晚上)。两个不会油漆的笨蛋去油漆,加上那个还没构思好油那里的苯姐一直叫我去抹地。之后他朋友到访顺便带纸箱给我们,这个时候我只可以去抹地……因为她这么笨,根本不可能同时思考和招待他们,为了不浪费我的时间,我唯有去抹地,从开始只要抹我的房间演变成抹完所有的房间= =' 天啊~ 根本就还没装完该装的,况且还没油漆,抹什么抹啊……过后油了老半天才油了一小面,途中又去kota接了她的肥难友(哈哈,他不会看到的)。他来后我们合力的完成了,不过我说了是我们完成了,不包括那个笨姐姐,因为她负责油边,我们有中间,他真的有满,也没有又到很美 = ='' 就这样当我说要去那个开到四点的鸡饭店吃的时候,他们告诉我已经五点了,天啊~~ 时间在作弄人,我的鸡饭店关了……就这样油下油下,我现在这个时候才坐在这里……好饿啊~~
其实我们也只油了一面墙……对,是一面,是一面有四个门的墙,用了数小时……不过也好,正好给我做练习,呵呵,practice一下,酱子我油我的房间时才不会油得乱七八糟的,哈哈,私心很重……其实油漆也没什么难的,刚刚油的时候我们都很担心,因为干的程度不同,所以会出现一da一da的现象,所以狂油同一片墙,结果发觉干了就会很自然的均匀了,所以也不用怕油到一da一da的,最难应该是油边吧,超费时的。可能漆也有关系,我们用的是nippon,很好噢,不小心油出边了,赶快拿湿布抹一抹就干净了,也不怕弄到衣服什么的^^ 更加不必拿tina水来洗手,也没有那些难闻的漆味,呵呵,很神奇,所以用到很开心……
其实到新家时发生了一件事,前提是这样的……那个笨姐姐在去KFC之前有去看医生拿mc,因为她没去做工,然后就随手的把药放在车上。到了新家后我们要下车了,她第一句就说:“上去了要先吃药”,就伸手要去拿那包药了,然后我问她:“uh?! 你真的有病的啊??”(因为她只是为了拿mc而已),接着………………她说:“哈”(发觉自己搞错了),“是ho,我真的有病,神经病”然后自己坐在那边傻笑,哈!我的天啊……她的病情已经越来越不能受控制了……
Wednesday, April 16
搬家心情一:Before new...
虽说我搬家的经验不少……从我在KL开始就搬了四次,现在是第五次,不包括我在JB时就办了至少两次……可是对于搬家这件事是不是多就什么熟能生巧的,发而我发觉到年龄的增加对于东西的取舍更加困难,还有越大东西就越多,而且是越重要,搞到那些时间都用在思考 - 到底要不要丢?怎样收才整齐?杂物用什么装??搬后放那里?没地方放,怎么办??……哇!也太多问题了吧!!搞到我收了一整天才解决了信的问题。实在是太多了,丢又不是,收又不是,结果我丢了它们的衣服,留下它们的内在,单单把所有的信拆开来,就费时了,过后还要分门别类,现在有小后悔以前干嘛要写信,哈哈,算了……其实我有把时间用在回想那些人是谁,所以搞到酱久……不好意思……
所以我现在的心情是身心疲累…… 现在,看到我书桌旁的纸,是一大叠的纸,一大叠!!还有一大叠躲在我书桌的抽屉里……看到就累,因为我还没想到要怎样处置它们……处置后又要把它们放在那里(新房)?用什么装?
Thursday, April 10
When I see the wolf, I will tell it, I don't scare....
I really hate war, war is such a game that political play. It's just a implement to show how politician is powerful, and even their aggressive.....war is so so so so unforgivably, regardless of any reason behind it, and no matter win or lose it is just a meaningless act. Because of war, a thousand billion of people's life have ruined and died....just because of this such nonsense war! ! Peace please~~
Well, the Escape from Huang Shi is really impressive....from the begining that the English journalist George Hogg (Jonathan Rhys Meyers) is being beheaded then Chen (Chow Yun Fat) rescued him, and lead him to an orphanage house. Until the whole way that they escaping with 60 orpanage (but i don't think there have 60 children, must be more than this number since there is 4 full truck of children) through The Silk Road to a new safety place....He is really a great person, his full given is, I ranked it 4 star^^ it's definitely worthy for your rm7, hahaha...
^*^*^*^*^Movie Trailer...
During The Rape of Nanking南京大屠杀....there is a great person...
For you, a thousand times over
刚刚看了movie的Kite Runner,风靡全球的《追风筝的人》。 "For you, a thousand times over"
很多人都告诉我很好看,从它发行的时候就轰动全球了,只是我一直都很排坼,是那种没理由的排坼,很无聊吧?!不过这就是我,啊哈哈……直到最近,听闻它发行了电影版,不知道为什么又有想看的感觉了,啊哈哈,好无聊的人……现在看完了真的有小感动,相信看书会有更大的波动,因为书的效应永远会比电影来得震叹,就好像Da Vinci Code,电影简直就是一文不值、浪费时间。
那一句“for you, a thousand times over”,Hassan为Amir追风筝时说的。感动!!可是却因为这样……途中,我可怜的Hassan被凌辱了,前提是Amir为什么不救他????他明明就看到!!!so hurt…… 还有我好喜欢Amir的爸爸,因为他说了,“when you tell a lie, you steal someone's right to the truth”,I like it!!!莫名的喜欢……过后,在Amir和他爸爸逃离Kabul的时候,他爸爸解救了一个妇人,可是却显示了Amir的懦弱,让我觉得不堪。 哈哈,不怎么喜欢主角(Amir),发而Hassan给人的印象很好……总之整部戏的感觉很好,我给它4 out of 5 star,四颗星已经很不错了哦!!结论就是要看!!
^*^*^*^*^Book Review...The Kite Runner
by Khaled Hosseine
Winter, 1975: Afghanistan - a country ruled over by a fading monarchy on the verge of an internal coup. But in Kabul, twelve-year-old Amir has his own concerns. He is desperate to win the annual kite-fighting tournament to prove to his father that he has the makings of a man. Amir's friend Hassan is a low-caste Muslim and the son of a crippled servant but nevertheless the two boys play together and defend each other against the neighbourhood's bullies. However, during the tournament, Amir takes advantage of Hassan's guileless devotion and commits a terrible act of betrayal which is to shatter their lives and define their future. Unfolding against Afghanistan's destructive history, THE KITE RUNNER is the breathtaking story of fathers and sons, friendship and redemption, and most horrifyingly, the casualties of fate.
^*^*^*^*^Movie Trailer...
Wednesday, April 9
confront it
we all know we can't predict what coming next
we even don't know who would done anything to hurt ourselves
so when thing happened
when we feel hurt enough
we have to learn to confront it
the only confronted would make us release and tougher.....
so don't get this stuff to agonized yourself anymore
when it passed
just let it go
don't think so much....
everything will have a new start
everything will be fine
it just need some time....
don't waste your precious time to think those unworthy conduct
our life is too short
when you're thinking on it
you're indirectly use your precious time on them
it's not worthy!
don't living under the shaded
life is still have so many thing to do
you're no such time to use on them
get a new start, get new friends, get the another new way
trust me, you would find another true one
Be happy always....don't let it be a part of your life...
Tuesday, April 8
god bless me...& you...
Sunday, April 6
is going on...
but I did not know you found that.
I just need more time to release...
my thought,
just leave me some time.....
I can handle everything by myself....
seriously breathless......
I'm gotta sleep......
"Don't think so much" advice to myself....
I'm willing to help them when they are feeling help-less, but I'm can't accept that the dissapointed they gave me.....I just expect they would done their stuff. that's it so hard? all of the stuff is not mine, is for you...''for you''....why it seems I'm more caring than them? and I even did not get any benefit for that.
Where is the responsible should be? is me or them. Or else, there is something that they do not desired anymore?? then why don't they quit it, if they feel this stupid enough for them..or any other reason.
I just felt frustrated, because I have ever know what they are thinking, although we are living in the same generation Y....or we can explained as people have their own feeling and different education. But it doesn't really convince me. ok!? when other people feel so too. Then, that is still can be explained by this SUCK excuse?! AND there is obviously something wrong!! I have no idea to thinking a beautiful lies anymore, to vanish over them to myself...Ya, I still can't accept what they have done! not, is what they have thought.
'threaten', are you kidding me??
I can't believe when I was first heard...what I can threaten to you? by my emotion? or what?? I did not give you any academic mark, I did not give you any penny. so!! what I can threaten to you. RIDICULOUS!!
I have been here since 2001.........same as the time that I met Val & is long time ago...then what make me feel like still remain at this get all of this ridiculous thought that I can't accept - NO answer, never have the what I still can do?!
Wednesday, April 2
Tuesday, April 1